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korrasami a 0 points de bonté.

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Hi ! I'm korra, the new avatar :D

And this is Asami my girlfriend <3333 !!!!

We share very important moment in our life...




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She 's wonderfull I love her so much :D

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She is everything to me and I would do anything for her...



Hahaha of course we were still young and believe to fall in love with that guy Mako... but i'm glad of that because if it wasn't from him I would never meet you Asami...


You're with me even in the worst day of my life...

even if I decide to go to the south pole without you ... 

I don't stop thinking about you in that day I wasn't completely sure what I feel about you

but I couldn't forget you during the three years we've been separed ...

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But we stay strong till the end...


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we face together our sad moment...

and decide to be together forever !!!!

the vacation in the spirit world with my soulmate <3

Adventure Time by pixielogKorraxAsami - Into the Spirit World by snowygem


Afternoon in the spirit world by AKABurningFlameKorrasami Selfie - Color by Tamura

In the spiritual world by sak-uu-dannValentinchen by YogurtYard


Print - Korra x Asami by TwistedFantasy88Korrasami - What Happens Now Fulls***by MattHunX

Age Genre Ville Pays
30 ans Femme
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