
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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hello the populass me these claras 16AN friendly and nice cool jme looking for friends and I cellib alor the gas avos mp. my caracter: jaimme lais well dressed gent 

kind of gas that jveux: nn perverse kind (one can) jealous beautiful (if you think you're pretty leases delight me you can come and those you who desside) Hair of any color. and girl who want to be my friends these temp. mp to know me more power 

  knowledge M.P 



this sequence of numbers: 


9966999999996999999996666996699666699666996699666996699 9966699999999999999966666699996666699666996699666996699 99666669999999999996666666699666666996669966996669966999966666669999999966666666669966666699666996699666996699 9966666666699996666666666669966666699666996699666996666 9966666666669966666666666669966666699999996699999996699


She look normal, right? Well, read these instructions carefully ...: 


1) Select all the numbers. 


2) pressing F3 


3) pressing 9 


C promised it work then essayeTu love Justin Bieber? 

97% of teens would cry if they saw Justin Bieber at the top of a skyscraper ready to jump. 

If you're one of the 3% who would sit on a chair with popcorn shouting "GO MY BIG Makes a SALTO!" Then copy-paste to your message QSJ 

        'I is not 0, c prof who put 

I do not throw the object, I test the law of gravitate!

- I do not talk in class, I exchange my views. 


- I do not lie to me EPS, I save my energy. 

- I'm not saying *** ries, I develop my lexicon 

- I do not sleep in class, I want to relax. 

- I do not distract me in class, I examine my pens. 

- Do not insult the teachers, I just remind them what they are. 

- I do not destroy the institution, I decorate my way. 

- I do not skipped classes, called me the other. 

  - I do not eat chewing gum, I muscle my jaw ... 

  - I do not run in the hallway, I'm training for the marathon. 

- I do not cheat on an assignment, I have a torticollis towards my neighbor ... 


- Do not push in the hallways, stairs it hurts more ... 

- Do not make a foot-note to other students,, awaits prof 

If I kiss you you do koi? ♥ 


You keep 1 

2 Are you kidding 

3 You put language 

4 Thou me against the wall plates and make me love 

5 You slaps me 

6 You engeules me, but you keep 

7 You make your style that you're a guy and bars 

8 Make me a child 

9 You do nothing, and let you do 

10 You take me to your house to spend the night 

11 You ask for my number 

12. befriends 

13 You ever want to see me again 

14 You cast me 

15 You kiss me but nothing more 

You ask me in 16 fiancaille 

17.Tu tell me you want to start a family with me 


Give me your answer or comm'z MP, and is Copy / Paste in your QSJ and you will be surprised at the answer 

How do I call you? 

♥ 01 = Baby 

♥ 02 = Honey 

♥ 03 = Fifolle 

♥ My Heart 04 = 

♥ 05 = Big Sister 

♥ 06 = Little Sister 

♥ My Love = 07 

08 = ♥ My Doudou 

♥ 09 = Confidente 

♥ 10 = Best Friend 

♥ 11 = My Lover 

12 = ♥ My Angel 

♥ 13 = Girlfriend 

♥ My 14 = Protected 

♥ My wife = 15 

16 = ♥ My Princess 

♥ 17 = Other (Specify) 

♥ Paste It On Your Wall, You Auras Of Surprise 

01 I will marry you ♥ 

02 Mignone ♥ 

03 Bavarde ♥ 

04 Adorable ♥ 

05 Kind ♥ 

06 Beautiful ♥ 

07 I love you ♥ 

08 Mysterious ♥ 

09 Crazy ♥ 

10 Quiet ♥ 

11 Crazy ♥ 

12. chewable ♥ 

13 Shy ♥ 

14 I Want Out With You 


Send a color com's or MP 

Yellow: Cute 

Blue: I want a 2nd opportunity 

Green: I want a kiss 

Purple: I want a best friendship 

Rose: I want a hug 

Orange: I owe you an apology 

Black: I want to be friend with you 

Multicolor: I love you very much 

White: I'm falling on you 

Red: I love you 

What is your favorite home: 


2-My Lips 


My 4-personality 

5-My style 

6-My good mood 

My 7-physical 

My 8-kindness 

9-My way of looking at things 


11-Something else 

A little play. 


Take a piece of paper and a pen. 



1 Write the name of a person (boy). 

2 What is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green and yellow? 

3 The first letter of your name? 

4 Your birthday month? 

5 The color you like best between black and white? 

6 Write the name of a person (girl). 

7 Your favorite number? 

8 Do you like most California or Florida? 

9 Do you like over the lake or the ocean? 

10 Write a wish (a realistic hope). 

Have you finished? 


If so, go down to bottom 


{Do not cheat for the spirit of the game!} 


. . . 


The answers: 


  1 ♥ You are completely in love with this person, 


  ♥ 2 If you chose: 

* Red: Are you sure (e) of you and your life is full of love. 

* Black: You stay in your corner and you're aggressive. 

* Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are a laid back person. 

* Blue: You are spontaneous (e) and you have a lot of affection for the person you love. 

* Yellow: You are a very happy person and that helps a lot people who need it. 

  ♥ 3 If the first letter of your first name: 

* AK: You have a lot of love and friendship in your life. 

* LR: You try to make the most joyful life as you can and your love life is soon to blossom. 

* SZ: You like to help others and your future love life looks good. 

♥ 4 If you were born (e): 

* Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you have fallen in love with someone you do not expect the same to you. 

  * April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long, but you'll remember for a long time. 

* July-September: You will have a good year and experience will change your life (common sense). 

* Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be as beautiful as this, but of course you'll find the perfect person. 


  ♥ 5 If you have chosen. . . 

* Black: Your life will take a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but it'll be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change. 

* White: You will have a (e) friend (e) very expensive that will do everything for you, but you do not you will realize. 


  6 ♥ This person is your best friend. 


  ♥ 7 The number of close friends of you that you have in life. 


  8 ♥ If you have chosen. . . 

* California: You like adventure. 

* Florida: You are a laid back person. 


  9 ♥ If you have chosen. . . 

* Lake: You are very loyal to your friend (s) and your love and you are very reserved (e). 

* Ocean: You are spontaneous (e) and you love helping people. 



  ♥ 10 This wish will come true only if you put it on your test who am I in 1 hour and it will come true before your next party !! 

your body so tender stroking, 



you smell so sweet to smell, 



your gaze so intense my heart. 



I'd be all nice, brand new 



so that you always look at me 



with that glimmer that there is in you. 



I love you, I love you, I love you. 




The consequences of anger are much more serious than its causes. 


In hunting, as in love, you start when you want and you end up when you can.

Age Genre Ville Pays
24 ans Femme France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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