
Mot de passe

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Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine
tu ces pas besoin de mp tout les gas pour dire...
03/09/2014 à 11:12:09
30/08/2014 à 13:45:06
j'ai trouver l'astuce pour avoir plus de FEE'z...
30/08/2014 à 13:22:41

Lire tous les com'z

thenextime a 0 points de bonté.


Hello girls! Well as you can see I'm English. And I'm proud. So I'm here just like that bah short this is not the problem. I present my who am I? So I'm 16 I just Mullingar, I'm asking that nobody knows. A by Directioners if you are ... So if I just created me a doll. So do not be too lenient. I'll show you several required I do on a site called Polyvore. So feel free to comment on my held on the site. With the links I'll give you. Here enjoy!


Here is an outfit for the everyday life. Whether to go to class or another, I would suggest that rather held for pringtemps and fall. A little hot for summer. And too lightweight for the winter.


Here is an evening dress. That can be used for a small appointment. So that there is nothing special to say the above.


Otherwise has the fact that I love fashion ... I'm also Directioner, for me it is the most important thing in my life. As you know one of my idols lives in my city. At least lived. But hey it's unbelievable. So here I am open to the Directioners who are nice. And want to speak English with me. Because I do not speak French, and translate your French takes me a long time. 

Otherwise, I also love. Good people who are too bad those who are not. Because it is one of the most active fans base. But I'm also Selenator, Mahomie ... And many more. So if there are those who are part of these basic fans. You can come talk to me. That would please me, because no one come to speak to me because I'm IRISH. I know I'm not French, but good. Can not find it takes a little diversity?

Age Genre Ville Pays
23 ans Femme
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