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Okelani/19 years/hawaiian/dreamy/goddess

my real family

my cousin

Mahély Anaka...

i miss you R.I.P


my little angel,a goddess of the island,a naturel wonder,a sleeping volcano and a flower of the night i love you my cousin

my brother

Mohan Aneko


The devil himself,the protector of my life,the monster of the desert,the dragon of the ocean,the vampire of the night and my bodyguard. I love you my brother

my sister

Iwalani Aneko


my little sister , passion fruit,my sun awakens ,my light and my night

my mother

Alohilani Anaka


my whole i owe to her, thank you for everything. i love you mon

my passion

my island Maui




me in imvu



I makes +2 but not +1

Your bullshit chain does not work the not waste your time i send my blocks

Your friend request,should have know that before i added you

I'm not a bank, no request for gifts/code/vote not made

no insult,no threat

on the good games have all


my name: Okelani

 Okelani is generally not very nice but still cute. It has regular features, neck rather long and delicate, but firm breasts menus and well planted, the figure originally fine. This is the type of woman that men like to watch without having ideas "dishonest".She has elegance, dressed with a subtle taste and knows instinctively develop without ever going to provocation.The native is endowed to be excellent hostess. The culinary secrets are not secret to it. The mountains of cookbooks for sale on the market do not meet the point, because it is less tasty recipes taught his own confections. Her house is always neat and well decorated with a tasteful and is a haven where its people are peace, warmth and rest.The native has a sense of ritual, and her parties are always memorable successes.The spirit of economy is highly developed in Okelani. Auctions, sales, liquidations and sales promotional alleged fascinate forever. She buys lots of things without hesitation, confident that this business profitable. Most of these acquisitions, however, will prove unnecessary, the buyer had no opportunity or time to use it. Thus his attic and closets are crammed with mismatched balls of yarn, fabrics coupons infinitely varied, thirty-six pairs of shoes that no longer wants to wear, four dozen small boxes peas whose shelf life is considerably exceeded, etc..Okelani is sentimental without being romantic. She has a great need to love and be loved. But what it seeks above all is security, both materially and emotionally. In other words, love has no meaning for her than when it leads to marriage provides stability and protection. This attitude is nothing abnormal or wrong, of course, but Okelani often brandished as a scarecrow. It ignores that men hate women whose willingness to get married is too obvious. She should know that they like being caught in a trap set by the fair *** but they seem to prefer to marry of their own volition; do nothing more horrifying than giving them the impression of being rushed or cheated. So happy household knows that the native vanity and self-esteem of men. "If you want to catch the bird, do not shake the tree on which it perches," advises a Vietnamese proverb.Marital fidelity among Okelani is proverbial. If you marry a native of this name, you can be sure never to have horns, even if you are far from perfect. The tent does bovarysm point. Once married, she takes her marriage as the apple of his eye. Obsessed with the idea of ​​security, she sincerely believes that, in any circumstance, a "want" is still better than two "thou shalt." 




Age Genre Ville Pays
32 ans Homme island maui
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Mohan my cousin lyly no time alligator
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
turquoise and gray Professional surfer sunset surf

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