
Mot de passe

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Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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dell12345 a 10 points de bonté.

Créatrice de jeux vidéos

Hello everybody, for the most part of PEOPLE who enter my just page to speak badly about me you can already draw your road of shit OK. WELL! I am not a nasty girl but I do not want either insult or the intimidation in my page THANK YOU well now speaks of I am a kind girl and a shame even if what I can say is nasty at least I tell the truth what most of people are not capable of saying, I LOVE the fashion oops I adore the fashion, the singing(song), the dance and the drawing the job of my dreams it is to indicate(appoint) of mode(fashion) and I would go to practise this job(business) in Australian or has city New York. I like very much Taylor swift, litle mix, fifht armony,  tyler shaw ,shawn hook, pink, lucy drags(hoists), shay mitchel, troianbellisario, benson and onrepublic .jaime Ashley color#SWAG'!!#

Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme hollywood Autre
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
taylor swift 22 DANCE FLICK candys
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
flache colors DESIGNERS pretty little liars CHANTER ET DANSER

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