
Mot de passe

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Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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littleblackdress a 0 points de bonté.







♡ ♡ ♡






𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐦𝐚𝐧

 Galeriste Balance Avant dernière de la famille Affectionne Monet

Tolère l'hiver en attendant l'été En crush sur son rival Vêtements recouverts de peinture.





𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐦𝐚𝐧

 Pilote Balance Petit dernier de la famille Spécialiste des batailles de neige


Inséparable de sa jumelle Grand fan de Bob Dylan Amoureux de sa meilleure amie.

♡ ♡ ♡











 To the girl who reads by flashlight, who sees dragons in the clouds,who feel most alive

in worlds that never were, who knows magic's real, who dreams. This is for you.











♡ ♡ ♡

𝑨 𝒔 𝒕 𝒐 𝒓 𝒊 𝒂 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

 meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite. 









♡ ♡ ♡

𝑯 𝒂 𝒛 𝒆 𝒍 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

 You're soft but it does not mean you're not a force, honey and wildfire are both the color gold.   






𝑱 𝒐 𝒔 𝒉 𝒖 𝒂 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

There are billions of stars in the sky, yet your smile shines the brightest.







𝑨 𝒔 𝒕 𝒐 𝒓 𝒊 𝒂 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

I don't need you to understand me. I need you not to turn away when you don't.







𝑵 𝒆 𝒊 𝒍 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

 Let them bask in their golden light while you make your way back to yours.








𝑨 𝒅 𝒂 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒆 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

Love what you love hold onto it with every atom of your being, because it's the reason you exist.







𝑹 𝒂 𝒄 𝒉 𝒆 𝒍 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏

A jewel doesn't mind being in cave, and a flower prefers not to be picked.








♡ ♡ ♡


𝑯 𝒂 𝒛 𝒆 𝒍 𝑯 𝒐 𝒇 𝒇 𝒎 𝒂 𝒏,

 You're soft but it does not mean you're not a force, honey and wildfire are both the color gold.




♡ ♡ ♡






♡ ♡ ♡

B A B Y     E L I Z A B E T H     C A M P B E L L 




  The sun took a step back,the leaves lulled themselves to sleepand autumn was awakened.


♡ ♡ ♡

Yesterday, it finally came, a sunny afternoon, I was on my way to buy some flowers for you.





I was tryna count up all the places we'vе been you're always there, so don't ovеrthink.

Age Genre Ville Pays
26 ans Femme
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