
Mot de passe

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masa123 a 13 points de bonté.

Top modèle

1. I 'm  tall. 
Voici l'orthographe exacte de la réponse attendue: am
Explications: Je suis grand.

2. You are  10 years old. 
Explications: Tu es agé de 10 ans.

3. He has  a little dog. 
Explications: Il a un petit chien.

4. Anita and I are  in the same class. 
Explications: Anita et moi sommes dans la même classe.

5. Karl and Michel are  twin brothers. 
Explications: Karl et Michel sont des frères jumeaux.

6. They have  a good job. 
Explications: Ils ont un bon travail.

7. She has  a big com***r . 
Explications: Elle a un gros ordinateur.

8. Mélina is  Mexican. 
Explications: Mélina est mexicaine.

9. You are  beautiful. 
Explications: Vous êtes beau.

10. Gino and you have  a black dog. 
Explications: Gino et toi avez un chien noir.




1. They will have  to take a test before going to university.
2. I have got  many shirts.
3. Did you have  a pet when you were young?
4. We always have  a bath in the morning.
5. She has got  blue eyes



1. John and Paul are good friends. they  play cards together.
2. Jane thinks this story is very sad. It makes her  cry !
3. Jennifer is a teacher. she  loves her job.
4. I don't like Kim and Sue. I don't want to see them .
5. I prefer Paul, I like her  him very much.
6. Where is my book? You put it  on the table.
7. We are very happy. Our friends invited us  to a party.
8. You look worried. Can I  help you?
9. Jane and I are the same age. We  are twins .
10. It is Mary's birthday. I am going to buy her  a present.

1. I have got a dog. my  dog is a poodle.
2. You have a cat.. your  cat is black.
3. He has got a car. his  car is red.
4. She has two children. her  children are 12 and 16.
5. The elephant is enormous. its  ears are very big.
6. We read a lot of books. our  favourite books are on the table.
7. Children ! Wash your  hands, they are very dirty !
8. They have got two cars. their  cars are in the garden.
9. We have new neighbours. our  neighbours are very nice.
10. I have lost my  pencil.

1. ' this  painting is horrible ! ' , she said
2. ' Yes I agree with you ! I prefer that  that one over there. '
3. ' Look at this  sculpture ! Who made it ? '
4. ' I don't know. We can ask these  men. '
5. ' OK , good morning, who made this  sculpture, please ?'she asked
6. ' Hello, I don't know his name, but it is this  this one with glasses or that one with long hair. ' explained a man
7. ' Thank you ! Hello ,are you an artist because I like this  sculpture and I 'd like to meet the man who made it. '
8. ' Yes, I made it . I love arts and I painted this  those pictures. '
9. ' Ok , can I buy that  sculpture ? '
10. ' I don't know because that  that one is my favourite sculpture. '

1. She's only five, but she can  read and write.
2. You mustn't  believe him : he's always lying!
3. Don't phone him now. He must  be asleep.
4. She won't come to the swimming pool because she can't  swim.
5. Your hair is too long. You must  have a haircut.


1. table tables 
Explications: Pluriel régulier

2. child children 
Explications: Pluriel irrégulier

3. thief thieves 
Explications: -F -> -ves

4. mouse mouses  mice
Explications: Pluriel irrégulier

5. potato potatoes 
Explications: Pluriel régulier

6. tooth teeth 
Explications: Pluriel irrégulier

7. alga algaes  algae
Explications: Pluriel irrégulier

8. goose gooses  geese
Explications: Pluriel irrégulier

9. wife wives 
Explications: F -> VES

10. life lives 
Explications: FE -> VES


1. We are very surprised by a  the words he knows.
2. Will you take a  picture of the church ?
3. They have the  loveliest garden I have ever seen.
4. It's really an  interesting piece of news, don't you think so ?
5. That's an  incredible story !
6. They were hidden in this village till the  end of the war.
7. He gave me the  an excellent piece of advice.
8. I have emptied the content of the bottle in the  sink.
9. We have a  theatre and several cinemas in the town.
10. His father, a  bank clerk, will be retired at the end of the year.
11. Mum was very happy because we put an  end to this scandal.
12. Have you got a  book about the Greek myths ? Anyone will be all right.
13. All a  the sick passengers were well looked after.
14. Sorry, I can't give an objective opinion, I am not a  musician.
15. We all believe in the  freedom of the press in the country.


1. Have you got any  change?
Explications: C'est une phrase interrogative et on ne sait pas si la personne en a.

2. No, I'm afraid I don't have any  
Explications: C'est une phrase négative

3. We'll have to get some  
Explications: C'est une phrase affirmative

4. Let's buy some  postcards.
Explications: c'est une phrase affirmative

5. Here's any  some money.
Explications: C'est une phrase affirmative

6. Could you give me some  water?
Explications: Attention, on veut et on peut en donner: la personne en face ne va pas répondre 'non'!






1. They have to get used to reading harsh criticism about their per ances. 
2. He has to get used to being protected by a bodyguard. 
3. We mustn't be afraid of wearing heavy make-up. 
4. I will have to be good at promoting my films. 
5. They are used to being asked for autographs. 

1. We can't make a fire! - I am not surprised, there aren't any matches left  ! '
2. Can I have some more, please? - Oh, what a pity!... there isn't any spaghetti left  ! '
3. 'The porter is waiting for a tip! - I see, but there isn't any money left  ! '
4. 'Can I wash my hands? - no, you can't, there isn't any sugar left  there isn't any soap left ! '
5. 'She would like to make an apple-pie, but there aren't any apples left  ! '
6. 'We need a nice cup of tea! - Well, there isn't any tea left  ! '
7. 'I always sweeten my coffee, but there isn't any sugar left  ! '
8. 'The boot is full! Look! - Don't worry there isn't any luggage left  ! '
9. 'These***rcises won't be finished. - Of course there isn't any time left  ! '
10. 'Will you make an omelette? - I'd like to, but there aren't any eggs left  ! '

1. The train always 
leaves  (leave) on time.
2. What's the matter? Why 
are you crying  (cry/you)?
3. That's strange. Our kids 
aren't watching  (not/watch) TV because they are too tired.
4. He 
doesn't speak  (not/speak) very good English.
5. Please be quiet. I 
am doing  (do) my homework!
6. Where 
do they live  (live/they)?
7. Listen! John 
is playing  (play) music!
8. I never 
go  (go) to the swimming pool.

  1. Harold Black is a famous pianist. He gives  (give) two or three concerts every week.
    10. He 
    travels  (travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.
    11. He 
    is staying  (stay) at an expensive***el.
    12. He's at his***el now. He 
    is having  (have) his breakfast in the dining-room.
    13. He 
    is drinking  (drink) a cup of coffee, and...
    14. ... he 
    is reading  (read) a newspaper.
    15. Harold's always very busy. He 
    plays  (play) the piano regularly.
    16. He 
    practises  (practise) for four hours every day.
    17. He 
    goes  (go) to bed late and...
    18. ... he always 
    get up  gets up (get up) early.
    19. But he sometimes 
    get  gets (get) dressed too quickly...
    20. ... and this morning he 
    is wearing  (wear) one blue sock and one red one!



1. When I 
came  (come) there , Maria and John were dancing.
2. Later, Maria and John 
were singing  (sing) and others were dancing.
3. What were they doing when I 
phoned  (phone) ?
4. Maria 
was having lunch  (have/lunch) when the telephone rang.
5. John 
was having  (have) his breakfast when the postman arrived.
6. Their parents were sleeping when the postman 
arrived  (arrive).
7. Maria and John were eating and the parents 
were drinking  (drink).
8. When Lucy came, Maria and her mother 
were swimming  (swim) in the swimming pool.
9. Lucy and Maria were speaking, when John 
went  (go) away.
10. His parents were watching TV, when John 
left  (leave) home.



    1. Sandra is prettier than  (+ pretty) Sophia.
    Explications: Le -y se trans e en -i- lorsque j'ajoute -er (comparatif de supériorité).

    2. This song is better than  (+ good) the previous one.
    Explications: Comparatif de supériorité irrégulier: GOOD donne BETTER.

    3. My boat is as expensive as  (= expensive) your boat.
    Explications: Comparatif d'égalité: penser à équilibrer les deux plateaux de la balance grâce à AS...AS...

    4. This book is as bad as  (= bad) that one.
    Explications: Comparatif d'égalité: penser à équilibrer les deux plateaux de la balance grâce à AS...AS... On se moque ici qu'il y ait des es irrégulières: ce n'est pas un comparatif de supériorité.

    5. Jurassic Park is less frightening than  (- frightening) Star Wars.
    Explications: Comparatif d'infériorité: less... than... On se moque ici de savoir si l'adjectif est court ou long, la règle est la même pour les deux cas.

    6. The Lost World is less good than  (- good) Jurassic Park I.


7. Peter is the most intelligent  (+ intelligent) student in the school!
Explications: Superlatif de supériorité: on situe Peter parmi tous les élèves de la classe. Adjectif long.

8. This museum is 
the most interesting  the least interesting (- interesting) place of the town.
Explications: Superlatif d'infériorité: on compare ce musée à tous les lieux de la ville.

1. Tony is meeting  a friend tomorrow.(meet)
Explications: l'action est déjà planifiée

2. I think it will snow  soon.(snow)
Explications: I think est toujours suivi de will

3. Perhaps I will visit  New York one day.(visit)
Explications: perhaps est toujours suivi de will

4. What time are you leaving  tomorrow?(leave/you)
Explications: l'action est déjà planifiée

5. Who will win  the next World Cup? (win)
Explications: prédiction

6. I'm sure you will not fail  the exam next week. (not fail)
Explications: I'm sure est toujours suivi de will

7. I am visiting  my parents at the week-end. (visit)
Explications: l'action est déja planifiée

8. Don't touch that dog. It will bite  you. (bite)
Explications: Ici, will montre la prédiction

9. They will come  are coming for a meal tonight.(come)
Explications: représente l'arrangement (futur planifié)

10. Look at those clouds, it is going to rain  .(rain)
Explications: repésente une observation dans le présent qui annonce un fait futur

1. If I were rich, I would buy a big house. 
2. she said she would not like to come. 
3. I would give you a big ring if I could. 

1. He's got a ticket to see Kyo's concert. Hasn't he? 
2. There's no telling what the future holds. Is there? 
3. Things aren't what they used to be. Are they? 
4. It's your turn. Isn't it? 
5. He's not forgotten to buy the milk. Has he? 
6. He had to go to hospital. didn't he? 
7. They are wandering the town. Aren't they? 
8. She'd rather have a house on her own. Wouldn't she? 
9. She hadn't met my girlfriend before. Had she? 
10. There's a car coming; Isn't there? 

1. My neighbour has just bought  a new car. (to buy / just)
2. My cousins haven't decided  yet where to go on holiday, perhaps in England. (not to decide)
3. Alex has gone  to the cinema with his girl friend. (to go)
4. I have seen  'the good, the bad and the ugly ' : I like it (to see)
5. have you ever been  to France ? (to be / you / ever)
6. Julien has just met  his friend. (to meet / just)
7. Recently, we have had  many parties with our friends. (to have)
8. What have you done  during the holidays? (to do / you)
9. He hasn't worked  (not to work)
10. Have you already finished  (finish / already / you) ?

1. What  is your name ?
2. where  are you from ?
3. How  are you today ?
4. Who  is she ?
5. Why  are you tired ?
6. Whose  pen is this ?
7. When  do you get up ?
8. Which  fruit do you prefer, oranges or lemons ?
9. What  does David have ?
10. How  old is she ?

Can you tell me where the***el is? 
Could you tell me where Oxford Street is ? 
Do you know when the train leaves? 
Do you know how much this dress costs? 
Do you remember how many pages you have written? 
Do you know how high the Eiffel Tower is? 
Do you remember when her birthday is? 
Could you tell her how many mistakes she made? 
Do you know what his name is? 
Can you tell me how many girls are working in this class? 

1. To drive a car you 
must  have a driving licence.

2. While you are driving you 
don't have to  listen to the radio, it is not necessary.

3. You 
mustn't  drive without wearing a seatbelt.Wear a seatbelt is compulsory for the passengers too.

4. It is dangerous to talk on a cell-phone and drive at the same time. Drivers 
shouldn't  do that.

5. In some countries it is illegal to use a cell-phone in a car, in those countries drivers 
mustn't  use phones in their cars.

6. Drivers 
should  be kind to other drivers
7. But they 
don't have to  be kind to other drivers, it's a choice not the law.

8. In France you 
have to  insure your car, it's the law of the country.

9.On the road you must  respect the speed limit even if there isn't any radar.

10. Cyclists don't have to  wear a helmet but a cautious rider should have one.

1. I 
cooked  (cook / cuisiner)
Explications: verbe régulier

2. She 
brought  (bring / apporter)
Explications: verbe irrégulier

3. He 
swam  (swim / nager)
Explications: verbe irrégulier

4. It 
stopped  (stop / arrêter)
Explications: verbe régulier avec doublement de la consonne finale car il se termine par consonne-voyelle-consonne et il fait 1 syllabe

5. We 
took  (take / prendre)
Explications: verbe irrégulier

6. They 
entered  (enter / entrer)
Explications: verbe régulier

7. She 
found  (find / trouver)
Explications: verbe irrégulier

8. He 
studied  (study / étudier)
Explications: verbe régulier, mais le Y final se trans e en I

9. She 
carried  (carry / transporter)
Explications: verbe régulier, mais le Y final se trans e en I

10. He 
decided  (decide / décider)
Explications: verbe régulier, se terminant déjà par un E. On n'ajoute qu'un D.

Age Genre Ville Pays
32 ans Femme
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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