
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine
Merci ^^
28/11/2014 à 00:23:03
Quand j'aurais quelque chose je penserais a toi...
18/11/2014 à 20:21:52
je vends dollz. Dsl de te déranger:(
16/11/2014 à 23:36:37
Merci beaucoup ;)
16/11/2014 à 20:44:22

Lire tous les com'z

Aucun ami

pretty---women a 0 points de bonté.

Top modèle



Tu as des contes a donner, des cadeaux , des codes ou des plus deux??

Vous pouvez me les donner svp je suis pauvre :( 




Set fire to your hair
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear
Eat medicines that’s out of date
Use your private parts as piranha bait
Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die 2x
Get your toast out with a fork  
Teach yourself how to fly
Eat a two week old unrefrigerated
Dumb ways to die so many dumb ways to die (x2)
Invite a psycho-killer inside
Scratch your drug dealer`s brand new ride
Take your helmet off in outer space

Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die (x2)

Keep a rattlesnake as pet

Sell both the kidneys on the internet

Eat a tube of superglue

“I wonder what’s this red button do?”

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die (x2)

Dress up like a moose during hunting season

Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason

Stand on the edge of a train station plat 

Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing

Run across the tracks between the plat s 

They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly

Dumbest ways to die ie

Dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to die

So many dumb

So many dumb ways to die

Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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