
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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rinko6 a 2 points de bonté.


 Do you ever, admire you not love you you draw!


Apple = Vitamins
 Vitamins = Strength

 Work= Force

 Work = Money

Money = Woman

Female= Stress 

Stress = Cancer

Cancer = Death.


i love the drawing and singing ^^


If you also say all the time I confess or Genre. If you also s***s the door of the store when there is marked 'Pull'. If you also look forward to the weekend on Monday morning. If you also put 'Mdr' then qu'enfaite not you laugh. If you too when you were in primary school you looked at your age at the bottom of your glass. If you either you never have enough clothes in your closet. If you as you wait for the holiday from the start. If you also accounts you realize the last time that you still have homework to do. If you also can not preclude you walk when you're on the phone. If you also pretend to write when a teacher wants to question a perssonne. If you too are tired of teachers who give you the homework when it sounds. If you'll be a sometimes you laugh alone in front of your com***r. If you too when you walk you engu bobbies on the wall **. If you also scream "whattttttt" to your parents when they call you. If you also find that parents should get more often in our place. If you either you never know what day it is during the holidays. If you either you can not stop you from laughing when someone picks up. If you also dreams of going to America. If you'll be a rigoléé sometimes alone, thinking back to a memory. If you also find there a difference between Jtm and I love you. If you also talks to herself on the grounds that you do IECH ... If you also always have a song in mind. If you also you using your fingers to count the times. If you can not get you ausi prevent tearing of the grass when you're sitting on the floor. If you also often seeks a heap object that already in hand. If you also can not prevent you from playing with the snow you too :) If you've already said, "if someone happens to read my mind I'm in trouble! XD. If I also when you do not understand you still waiting for a jerk before you ask. If you, during the time you watch every two minutes. If you also nod to the teacher when you do not listen anything . If you too when your blue, you can not stop you to press it to see if you got really bad ... If you also think its is pointless to make his bed. So I think that we will understand ;)


Mommy what is love?
- It's the feelings that between Dad and me.

- Mommy What is life?
- This is the time during which your heart beats.

- Mommy What is eternity?
- This is something that is never finished.

- Mom you love me for eternity you?
- Yes, of course darling.

- Mom you think I can live next to you for eternity?
- In your heart you can.

- But what's mom's death?
- It's where granny is sleeping.

- And from there we still love it?
- Yes forever.

- Mom when I die I'll always love you. You too?
- My dear, you have long to live before you die so do not think it has.

- But you love m?
- Yes, always

- Mom is when you're going to die?
- In a short time.

- But why?
- Because a gentleman villain he has done something wrong.

- What he did to you?
- He hurt me with a knife.

- Why he did this mom?
- Because it's not like him.

- What is the difference mom?
- The color of the skin.

- But mom, I do not understand, hair color is not the same either.
- I know.

- And we all have a heart, because we are like everyone has a heart ...
- I know.

- And this is because of him that you are lying here?
- Yes my angel.

- But where is here?
- This is the hospital.

- Mama I'm afraid ...
- No, do not be afraid.

- But mom I do not want you partner ...
- One day we'll meet again.

- In long?
- I hope so.

- Why?
- Because I want you to enjoy life

- Mama I love you ...
- ...

- Mom?
- ...

- Mom?
- ...

- Mom .....


translation :

Maman c'est quoi l'amour?
- C'est les sentiments qu'il y a entre papa et moi.

- Maman c'est quoi la vie?
- C'est le moment pendant lequel ton coeur bat.

- Maman c'est quoi l'éternité?
- C'est quelque chose qui ne se fini jamais.

- Maman tu m'aimeras pour l'éternité toi?
- Mais oui, bien sur mon chéri.

- Maman tu crois que je peux vivre à côté de toi pour l'éternité?
- Dans ton coeur tu le peux.

- Mais maman c'est quoi la mort?
- C'est là où mamie dort.

- Et de là bas elle nous aime encore?
- Oui pour toujours.

- Maman quand je serai mort je t'aimerais toujours. Toi aussi?
- Mon chéri, tu a longtemps a vivre avant de mourir alors ne pense pas a ça.

- Mais tu m aimera?
- Oui, toujours

- Maman c'est quand que tu vas mourir?
- Dans pas longtemps.

- Mais pourquoi?
- Parce qu'un vilain monsieur il m'a fait quelque chose de pas bien.

- Qu'est ce qu'il t'a fait?
- Il m'a blessé avec un couteau.

- Pourquoi il a fait ça maman?
- Parce qu'on n'est pas comme lui.

- C'est quoi la différence maman?
- La couleur de la peau.

- Mais maman, je ne comprends pas, la couleur de cheveux n'est pas la même non plus.
- Je sais.

- Et on a tous un coeur, nous sommes pareille puisqu'on a tous un coeur...
- Je sais.

- Et c'est a cause de lui que tu es allongée ici?
- Oui mon ange.

- Mais c'est où ici?
- C'est l'hopital.

- Maman j'ai peur...
- Non, il ne faut pas avoir peur.

- Mais maman je veux pas que tu parte...
- Un jour on se reverra.

- Dans longtemps?
- Je l'espère.

- Pourquoi?
- Car je veux que tu profite de la vie

- Maman je t'aime...
- ...

- Maman ?
- ...

- Maman ?
- ...

- Maman.....

Age Genre Ville Pays
29 ans Femme !i live in london Autre
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I love you me
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lo ve ur !!!

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