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This account represents my book characters from "The Apprentice, the Swordsman, and the Impossible Mission" [l'apprenti, l'épéiste et la mission impossible]: Falina (pink hair), Kilian (black hair), Adriel (brown with blue and green hair), Rebecca (red hair.)


My books are only in English, I am sorry {} #intr

Loft: The Tower of Sages

Veranda: Adriel

Salle de concert: Kilian in the woods

Broadway: Rebecca

Foret Noire: Falina

Crypte: Falina and Lord Cristar studying a haunted house

Castle hante: Falina and her Mom's rooms

Piece medievale: Lord Cristar's Office

Arc en ciel: Home of Lady Aqua

Viking Village: Giants' Country

Foret Enchantee: Woodland Elves of the Shimmering Woods

Bateau: Crimson Wing, Captain Scarlett and the Red Tide

Piece sous-marine: Underwater world of Princess Grape and Plum

Foret: Rebecca

Cottage anglais: Mr. and Mrs. Stargazer's house

Manoir: Prince Empyrean and court

Secret Dollz: Library and Herb plaza

Hotel: Random

Noel: Adriel and Falina

Palais des Fees: Princess of World's Edge

Parc: Falina and friends

Nuage: Adriel & Valdis on Falina's flying ship

Restaurant de luxe: Lady Ofilia of World's Edge

Train: Lapidoth Pari

Chine: Land of Sh00ting Stars

Scotland: Sapphira and her pet kangaroo rat Persis and her best friend Ruriel 


Age Genre Ville Pays
45 ans Femme Canada
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