a-noël pervers x)
I hate you as I always loved you.
I hate everything about you.
A kept silent day love me, the kept silent next day forget me.
I am lost.
I love a madman.
I like when you hurt me.
I do not know any more whom I am.
What I have to make?
Why do I love you?
You tempts me to burst.
We are alone.
I need to shout!
You kil me.
Who are we?
I hate you my angel.
You destroy me.
I cannot it any more!
It is bad dream.
I shall like waking up.
I want to forget you!
Leave me.
Stop hurting me.
I have to leave!
I am stupid...
Whore of lies!
Whore of love!
I want to die.
Stop saying to myself that you love me.
I love this lad...
Help me!
I have to run away.
Goodbye my angel...