
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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chloquette a 14 points de bonté.

Leader des Destiny Dollz


[ RPZ Mamoizeau t'as d'la chartimitude ! ]

inconspicuousdreams:fuckyeahtaymom:(via peacewillarise) 

How beatiful world ...


24 mai

17 years old





thescandalouslives:(via capturinghollywood)

You can sleep when you're dead, babe !



Don't wait until he leaves to give him good reason to stay.


Je t'ai aimé, mais je t'assure que c'est fini ...



Maru is my Idol !

My mom says I'm pretty, so Fuck You.



Délia is like the sunshine, without her there would be no world. I love her more than anything in the world.It's indesc.riptable how I love her.I would do anything for her.

Because she is my best friend, always and forever.


 “If you think about it like high school or college then you’ve got your circle of friends then outside of that there’s going to be people that don’t like you, there’s going to be people that talk about you and there’s going to be people that go, “Wow! Look how big her shoes are!” no matter where you are. This is just high school on a massive, massive scale. So I ignore what people say and focus on my music and doing what I do.” - Taylor Momsen.

I'm a dream that you will never able to achive.

Don't walk on the grass, Smoke It.

You can tell Jesus that the Bitch is Back.


'Mode' is a beautiful thing.


Correction, Délia is not like the sunshine ... She is the sunshine, my sunshine.

I like your imperfections.

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

(   Logan LL Lerman )



You're perfect to me.



Tu dis que “I’m your only one” ... C’est ça, prends-moi pour une ***.



Love is a weapon.

Love is feeling, feeling love ... Love is you, you and me.



Love is MY weapon.


You know you love me ... X.O.X.O

‘For now? Goodbye, good riddance, and … good luck.’

Good bye friend !



Age Genre Ville Pays
28 ans Femme France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Natalie Dormer, Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, idk ... Florence + the Machine Forest Gump Waffle ;)
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Pinkish :) Rich Orange is the new black Tumblr.

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