Soft as silk, sweet as honey
Good as gold, gentle like a lamb.
that's a red herring (c'est pour brouiller les pistes )
Once in a while
but oh well
Bella Luna
Ой милашка (Oh cutie)
I’d like to be there and kiss your mouth, hold you in my arms, your head on my chest, my beloved name.
la nuit m'a habillée
a mi la noche me vistio
rgaspody muse venus woland
love fiercely painfully
misère de misère..
la chair est faible et l'esprit est tordu
Take that, global warming.
Qui est l'enfant de chèvre épileptique
it's looks that way, but she has a lazy eyes(elle a un leger strabisme)
walk the talk.
u ain't shit
brutal lol
if they fuck you, they fuck me, let's fo fuck them
can u fuck off mate??
so, what are you going to hell for ?
alright listen up fuckboy
the people have spoken
mortal fools
or heads will roll.
First of all, wow. Second of all...
there,there child
soothing for a crushed spirit
bloody kisses
what's good?
there's that
you tripping
ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
get off *gun pic*
what's up fool?
don't put the blame on me
signed:el barto
age like wine
ice cold/brutal
good God
you reap what you sow
so there...( donc vla)
fear me
so to speak
disdain (mepris)
prefer stability to uncertainty and change.
sue me hoe
nevermind Later, losers.
Prayer to Persephone
*gun* in case a nig gets silly/ ain’t gonna happen till the guns run dry
you can only lead a horse to water
quiet (them) down
necessary but unpleasant
me after taking undeserved breakin the name of self care after doing bare minimum
you have your priorities and i have mine
amazing you serve both the stupid and the perverts alike.
did you get..when i wasn't looking or
where r we? in the right place
pick your friends wisely
(ง•̀-•́)ง fight me faggot (ง •̀_•́)ง
The world is a wild ride
make things up to ..
blessing and a curse
les tenebres
weak enemies
The Royal "we", so just the King himself.
don't try to be a hero
May god blast you!, quiet pls
I deeply wonder,
Heads are rolling and more head will roll.
This some Tom and Jerry shit
these are cartoon willain tactics
y'all already know wtf bout to go down
the bar is so low but y'all still limbo underneath it
Damn your fool’s mind,(name)
up to no good as usual
this doesn't even hurt (deep joke about insecurity but u gotta play it cool)
what do you think about?? lame, the real deal
your fuckin soft ass emo feelings are not as valuable/worthless in my eyes
I'm so intimidated by what your fingers did to your keyboard.
how r u ? how about you?
la quintessence
God took his time with you
s'inscrire sur ton score pr l'enfer
la pauvreté d'esprit ne t'a jamais fait défaut
you lame, what's up
I'm pointing at the moon but you're looking at my finger
shall we say
what in the world...
akin (semblable)
Another victim of Dmitry boy
Legend has it...still..
Don't pollute my space
but when I whip out my gun, like pick one coward
Silence filth!
"from the ashes, new life is born".
more or less
Show them how it's done
occupied her Holy land
would you mind
like hell you are (no way)
spill the beans
gave you brownie points
yes, he said lying
the religion of peace strikes again
yeah well (bon bref)
make sur it's*** so that it will warm up ur cold heart
throw them hands now
they leave bread crumbs so we can catch them.
she says
quack quack motherfuckers
do me dirty in front of my family
hence(par conséquent)
can you say the same?
dreary( monotone)
get in losers
shoutout to God
a pain in the neck
bargaining chip (monnaie d'échange)
take it with a grain of salt
Yo they tryna play my boy like that ,come square up like a real human being
The apple nerver falls far from the tree
Would be a shame if something...happened to it..
slap her children's reactions
sounds about right
coward (kawuèd)
He showed himself worthy of my trust.
worthy cause (digne/belle)
i'll fight your father in front of your entire family shaming your bloodline
i shit you not ( honest)
What can I ding-dong-diddily do for you?
from dawn to dusk
forgive my ignorance
jokes on you
out here causing troubles
today’s.. are yesterday’s..
it's summertime animals are out
Skarks never tire
roasted post: law order special victims unit
your thoughts and words are appreciated.
what the fuckery
l'a payé de son sang
you're mean! its part of my charm
you saw straight through my plan
you wouldn't be able to invent a good comeback fast enough.
i must
what a time to be alive
Juste ciel
at ease
Puisse le .. nous être favorable
Si j'ai ... qu'elle se révèle ou se taise à jamais
Que le Diable l'emporte!
may god have mercy upon their souls. may God grant him mercy. May God grant him a lasting reign
and may his triumph be glorious'.
a coeur vaillant rien d'impossible
God deliver them from Satan
...for support this you should transpoted to gulag in siberia
screamed at the top of my lungs
features of
a bad move
things die so that others may survive
joke on you
you out of your mind?
fuck off matt
looks back in a
a win-win (situation)
It's an entertainment.
if u a lame
in ur lane
may I make your acquaintance?
me at last !
go be a hoe somwhere else
то даже природа плакала.
...and nobody bats an eye...and everybody loses their minds
means to some extent
you are barking up the wrong tree
No entiendo lo siento
Highway to Hell vs Stairway to Heaven
When you are in THEIR country you leave your Western sensibilities at the border.
Heart of Darkness
Hymn to Aphrodite
Letter to Persephone
Che la mia ferita sia mortale" “may all your wounds be mortal”.
at ease
got me looking like a joke
On our passion's killing floor
In my arms you won't sleep safely
And of lust we are reborn
On our passion's killing floor
I am the nightmare waking you up
Prepare for trouble! - Make it double
To protect to world from devastation - To Unite all people within our nation
To denounce the evil of truth and love - To extend our reach to the stars above..
Team rocket blasts of at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!
My point is that your father should have pulled away earlier.Don't get me started on your momma, we'll be here all night
What is this problem you are carrying?
How long have you been carrying it for?
Have you got that? Right, let's go on.
So son, although it may be difficult for you
and son, although it seems to be unyielding
no matter how long you reflect on it
the answer to the problem
is here inside you.
" God has cursed the Anglo twofold. The first was with poor cuisine for their ignorance, the second with their ugliness
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Easy Free Ways To Make Footage Look Cinematic In Premiere Pro
People I would be able to trust and grow with emotionally as well as spiritually.
God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
immortel parmis les anges
sorry?im telling you sorry
Ils ont nourri les corbeaux qui aujourd'hui leur arrachent les yeux.
the reason that the American Navy does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and that Americans practice chaos on a daily basis.
Karl Dönitz
Well done Sweden, you stupid Socialist, you have imported your own destruction. Enjoy your future you morons.
damn who’ve those rats been vagueing about now
Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.
Autres temps, autres mœurs
you should be prepared to run or face the consequences of your own choices.
My admiration for them is very deep because of their fearsome( redoutables) abilties as warriors and their even fiercer (féroces) efforts to remain a free people no matter who tries to take their freedom away. As long as their spirt lives on, so will Ukraine, her people and their language, culture and religion.
On aime pas bcp la diversité à ..on aime le pluralisme mais on exclut les rights, on prône l'ouverture d'esprit mais on pratique la censure. et ce sont les mêmes qui nous parlent de "valeurs repu" décidements ils aiment les idées mais seulement les leurs.
"My mule gets the crazy feeling your laughing at him.d I don't think it's nice, you laughin' "
I know why this is!!! I was just reading an article about this phenomenon and it’s because you’re a fucking slut!!
let's sort this out !
they would change their story in a heartbeat.
No pain, no gain as they say / On n'a rien sans rien comme ils disent
She has an amazing ability to transfer her most inner soul into song. I hope she continues gifting the world with her beautiful music for years to come.
I showed my heart to the doctor. He said I'd just have to quit
Then he wrote himself a pre ion, your name was mentioned in it
Then he locked himself in a library shelf with the details of our honeymoon
And I hear from the nurse that he's gotten much worse and his practice is all in a ruin
I heard of a saint who had loved you, I studied all night in his school
He taught that the duty of lovers is to tarnish the golden rule
And just when I was sure that his teachings were pure he drowned himself in the pool
His body is gone but back here on the lawn his spirit continues to drool le hussard sur le toit/Napola - Elite für den Führer
living with Harry and Justin vine
Trust and you'll be trusted - says the liar to the fool
lust and so what if you're busted - in love and war there ain't
no rules
Do you believe in forever - i don't even believe in tomorrow
the only thing that last forever - are memories and sorrow (TypeONeg)
Soften my heart / Inspire my words that I may speak of hope and healing.
Genesis 6:6 :
"The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled."
"The heavens declare the glory of God. The expanse shows his handiwork. Day after day they pour forth speech, and night after night they display knowledge". (Ps 19:1-2) marius
total renovation :ep 33/49 Honey it's alright CHORDS!!
she cradles on his body and screams in grief, a wave of magic is released in her anguish ( soviet pin up )
Malcolm :
L'invasion de l'abeille / Le côté obscure / l'argent ne fais pas le bonheur / Dewey's Opera / Chose promise chose due/ Lundimanche/ Alerte rouge/ la jambe de mamie/ Malcolm holds his tongue/
Malcolm Dates a Family/Patrimoine (et) génétique/ Reese joins the Army p1&2/ Therapy
Une nounou d'enfer:
souvenirs de nounou / les oeufs sont faits
The middle:
The Christmas Tree/
American dad: Trop de balle Saison 12 épisode 17
Buffy the vampire slayer:
restless/I was made to love you/ Fool for love/ Crush
friends/ i can't do it
The Simpson :
Une crise de Ned/ Simpson horror show XX/ Grand-père et le trésor maudit/ Grand-pere permis de conduire/Un poisson nommé Selma/ Treehouse horror V/ Tout sur Homer/ To bart or not to be/ Le mal de mère /Une grosse tuile pour un toit/ ma femme s'apelle reviens/ diablesse chez / Papy fait de la contrebande/ Simpsons Commercial Break - June 1, 1997 / The Twisted World of Marge Simpson/ Moho house/ The Yellow Badge of Cowardge/ Luca$ (simcraft)/ Postcards from the Wedge/ Million dollar maybe / Treehouse of horror XIV simspson/ Homerland/ The seemingly never ending story/ Papa don't Leech / Apocalypse Cow / Le cow-boy des rues / Marge et le prisonnier / Puma Pride/ Lisa the skeptic/ Any given Sundance/ Million dollar Abie/ Lait à fait peur(Lazerhawk rider) / Dangerous curves/ Marge et son petit voleur/ The changing of the Guardian/ marge in chains/ boire et deboires/ les simpsons dans la bible
Homer Simpson takes a photo of himself every day HD
mackinac island, michigan (house), Gas bay ( margaret river)Australia/Masseria salinola/ Tyrol, Autriche/
Peuples des confins (le Spitzberg) / un kilometre a pied sur la côte almafitaine italie/ l'admirateur secret de noel/ le dernier des alaskiens: la menace rode/ running away(biran skiba)/ my teacher,my obssesion/elizabeth gillies killing daddy
/kristin's Christmas past/ the missing girl/la symphonie de Leningrad, la lutte d'un ville assiégée/ Mirage de la vie/ L'histoire de l'Amerique en couleur/
Billions - "Pretend we're having an argument
< id="form-t1_dioxogera7" class="usertext warn-on-unload" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: small; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" action="">
The best of protection is education. Make sure that your kids know how to spot a potentially dangerous situation and what to do in one rather than attempting to keep them away from anything dangerous.
Let every knee be bent, and every tongue confess
If my prayer goes unanswered that's alright
If my path fills with darkness and there is no sign of light
Let me praise You for the good times
I have a shared screws because
c'est pas parce qu'on avance dans le temps que l'humain doit régresser. . Au contraire on voit clairement l'hostilité et la moquerie drs autres. Ces gens là sont les même qui applaudissent au nom de la tolérance, ... mais qui ridiculisent des personnes religieuses/ avec des convictions complétements différentes... Ce sont eux les plus intolérants au final. Pauvre monde va.
That is the sole purpose of the elite that controls the planet; create an imaginary world so people can't really determine what is real or unreal.
The whole industry of entertainment collaborates in this determination, powerful and occult members and famous people work hand to hand to fulfill this project.
People have been taught since childhood lies, half-truths about world history, scholar texts come from the same elite that controls the world and sell lies. (The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II)
The night is darkest before the dawn "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, when it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
Billy Squier - Everybody Wants You
santorini Grece / capri Italie / lake como Italie
Sarakiniko, Milos/ lac Baïkal Озеро Байкал
un été en Toscane (chaine 7)/ Raspoutine meutre a St-Petersbourg (arte 7) / chine secrete festivites et traditions
Sean O'Pry (synonyme) Камикадзе-гей, ОМОН и ВДВ
Hannah Davis cyka spanish barbie HEYEHEEHYA
Undercover (briefs)/ Majorelle
Et pour quelques dollars de plus ecolière style "Сретенский хор Этот мир придуман не нами",10/2479951323?awaid=92295&utm_source=aw&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=92295|Polyvore&awc=2374_1458771788_de49998f9889cece0ab5c25a0775084c&istCompanyId=a5878f77-5a08-4067-8ebf-aeff72525cae&istItemId=qwlpxwmm&istBid=t ( dr martens) (pantalon fluide jaune) (faithfull the brand robe osla) (tech genie) + VSCO Cinematic Orchestra katyusha lyrics Beautiful world- THE CHEVIN (INFORGRAPHIE) ( voyage)
nocturn recipe babyshka
Léon Tolstoi y verra que « toutes lois, commandements, ou doctrines vous incitant à ne pas faire aux autres ce que vous ne voudriez pas que l’on vous fasse n’ont aucune légitimité, et ne peuvent être appliquées que par le bâton, le gibet ou l’épée. Un homme vraiment libre n’a aucune obligation de se plier à pareille injonction, qu’elle soit humaine ou divine. La désobéissance est le propre du héros. » (When you’re a classical pianist but you listened to hip hop once again) (90's makeup)
The gist is that the person you think of as "yourself" exists only for you, and even you don't really know who that is. Every person you meet, have a relationship with or make eye contact on the street with, creates a version of "you" in their heads. You're not the same person to your mom, your dad, your siblings, than you are to your coworkers, your neighbours or your friends. There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people's minds. A "you" exists in each version, and yet your "you", "yourself", isn't really a "someone" at all.
From "Uno, Nessuno, Centomila" by Luigi Pirandello.
Brandon Woelfel (insta)
Olympus PEN-F / Canon EOS 6D (FLICKR)/panasonic lumix GH4 (LillianMasie) (photo ES) snapseed
GROOM DANCE: >***y-club-v-neck-dress-stretch-Black-fold/32737996228.html?spm=a2g0w.10010108.1000014.9.MKGZtp&traffic_analysisId=recommend_3035_null_null_null&scm=1007.13338.80878.000000000000000&pvid=1a6330ad-7f9f-40d8-9665-54f495967e44&tpp=1 >
madchen amick (90's)
shepherd chaussons hiver (guitars)
Oaspeti cu azur in gene
Swallow the Sun (lyrics)
the small hands susan/ the night before Christmas/
The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories (Vintage Classics)/skin and others stories