From where should I start?
How did I even had the idea of the name of this doll? and I even created its sister Vicky-Lady1.
That was in 2014, I was 14 y.o back then.. wow time flies...
Okay, if you want an introduction go to my other doll -Barbiti-.
I completely forgot how to add images in this QSJ.
Quick Intro : Ibtissam - 27 y.o - Married - Baby Loading :) - Master Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Currently living in Canada.
Pieces available : - Chez Sarah / Dollzlieux / Duplex 1er etage / RDC / OhMyWorld / Palais Vanitien / Parc / Ratro / Salle de Concert / Suite Romantique / Train / Villa Elite.
Age | Genre | Ville | Pays |
27 ans | Femme | Canada | |
Célébrité préférée | Musique préférée | Film préféré | Plat préféré |
Couleur préférée | Le job de mes rêves | Emission préférée | Loisir préféré |