
Let me just tell you one thing, there are no boys on this website. Okay maybe there is a few, but not that much. Yeah you might come across a username like "ixfuckingxhatexlife" or "humansarestupid" orrr "xxxemoxxx". When you click on such a CREATIVE (sarcasm intented) username, you will see a dark page with small letters. You will also see a picture of some really cute emo boy from either tumblr or myspace. Then as you scroll down you will see them mentioning their "friends" with bunch of pictures of even more emo kids from tumblr or myspace. Sometimes they even post 2 or 3 picture of the same person so it's more believable! Another thing, a lot of girls on here claim to be 17-19. This website, is full of 8-12 year olds, maybe some teens, pedophiles of course, and the rest are married women who have kids and have nothing better to do with their lifes but manage an imaginary doll. NO OFFENCE. Anyways, those 17-19 years olds, are actually not real. Maybe they are that age, but if you see a really hawt picture of them on their page, then it's not them obviously. I mean ask yourself, why would a hawt girl that's like 17 go on a little girl website like this? Yeah. Plus all those pictures I have seen bunch of other fakes use. Also, on those 17-19 girl pages, you will see them stating that they are pregnant and tell you their oh so sad stories and how they have been through so much. Don't worry you don't have to feel sorry for them since they are fake. I mean why would anyone tell all their difficulties in life such as rape and abuse, on a website like this?! They are a few exceptions, though, rarely. But don't worry, you may come across some cool real people on here (: Have a wonderful day.
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