
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine
Bouh! Merci pour les bonbons! <3
01/11/2019 à 18:33:01

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j3-suis-un3-frais3 a 1 points de bonté.

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Emilia Grant

Image de black, nails, and body

  Image de beautiful, girl, and glasses

Crystal was once my friend
She was always there for me
Whenever I was in need
She helped me
through my ups and downs
And whenever I wore a frown
I thought we would always be friends


Until one day I realized I was stuck with her forever
She tore me apart
she took everything I had
She put me on the street with nothing but a garbage bag
she turned me family away from me
when I was with her I felt free
She made me think she was all I had


I didn't realize my life was getting so bad
She promised me I was good in her hands
She took away all my hope
And now she is what I need to cope
She made me feel so loved
Then one day I couldn't find her
I then realized she was a liar
she promised me things and I believed her
All she really did was promise to ruin my life
She took my family and now I'm alone
I guess now I am on my own
She left me with nothing but an empty glass pipe


Now I live in poverty with no one in sight
I think to myself with I ever get my family back
Will I ever live a good life again
Crystal is no longer my friend
She is my worst enemy
Now that you have heard what she has done to me.
Run away this devil
Don't let this Bitch bring you down
One hit and your done
So my advice to you is run.

  Image de katya miro


Age Genre Ville Pays
100 ans Femme France
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