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Few drawings

Few Drawing

Series > Colors Series

Painting a green world

Making a better world. 
Painting darken day becomes brighter.
Painting another green world...
An artist can do that, I believe:love:

Whisper of Earth

I am trying to listen the whisper of mother Earth.

I just can hear sound of her tears...

Can you hear our Earth is crying? Let's save it by any way you can dear, before it's too late :rose:.
Well, I am sure you all heard a lot of our Earth is***ter than past 2000 years so I won't say much about it. Time for acting, not talking only then :heart:,


I use brown for this concept because when the Earth doesn't have much green, I only see brown. And I use mostly quite/gray which looks more plain than other works (cause I shading this one less than other) cause I want to make cold & empty atmosphere here (:. I hope they work. 

Running away from blue

Running away from blue,
Moving forward for happiness...

Life always has sadness along but if we know how to get rid of them and trying to smile, it will make our brighter day:heart:.
:bulletblue: What's I mean here is be happy & believe me, we are still luckier than lot of peoples on this world:rose:.

Reborn in a new personality

:bulletorange: It's never too late to return.
And it's never too be reborn

What's I mean for orange is the color of red (energy) and yellow (joyful) mixed. It presents for joyful, sunshine, etc therefore I use it with this idea. 
Anyone of us who has never made a mistake in life? Yeah, just learn a lesson from it and stay strong again dear. It's not about what we get from mistakes, it about what we learn from it:heart:.
Stay strong and moving forward :rose:.

- She is reborn from her old/ugly "shell" to becomes a better person (for who is wondering what it means :))

Spread the love

:bulletpink: You may mean nothing to the world but you mean the world to someone. (From internet, not my words)
Pink means love as red, yeah but it also means "I will never forget you". 
I don't know how to such much about this this color (sorry but I just don't have enough words for it) but what I want to say after all is please spread the love, a hug, a little help, a smile, a little care of you for someone may brighten their day. Just please come to you family, parents, sister, brother, friends,....and spread the love with them.

Please don't take my dream away

Please don't take my dream away because when I lost all my dream, it means I lost everything.
My dream holds me stand up when I am in darkness abyss.

Just keep dreaming, hoping and moving forward. You only can do it when you believe you & yourself can.
Never give up even though you are maybe in the darkness time dear:heart:.

Touching my memories

:bulletpurple: I will remember my memories in my heart.
But I promise I won't live in it.

For me, remember the past/memory is good but living in it will pull us down. 
If my past is glory and I am just living in it, I will stuck there forever and I don't know that my future is going down.
If my past is just sorrowful and I stuck in there, I believe I won't see the sun ahead.
I will moving forward and keep my memories as a remembrances & experiences of life :heart:

Age Genre Ville Pays
29 ans Femme Belgique
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Black Docteur

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