
Mot de passe

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Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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25 years old 

I like girls, not boys 

Meet me in detention ?


Fans upset after singer Melanie Martinez cancels Oakland show at ...


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Atelier ♥ SoapImage result for melanie martinez soap sad

Think I just remembered something
I think I left the faucet running
Now my words are filling up the tub
Darling, you're just soaking in it
But I know you'll get out the minute
You notice all your fingers pruning up
I'm tired of being careful, gentle, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I'd never spok
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap

Loft ♥ Alphabet BoyRésultat de recherche d'images pour
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
B-b-b-b, b-b-b, b-b-b-b

Always aiming paper airplanes at me when you're around
You build me up like building blocks just so you can bring me down
You can crush my candy cane but you'll never catch me cry
If you dangle that diploma and I dead, you, don't be surprised

I know my ABCs, yet you keep teaching me
I say, fuck your degree, alphabet boy
You think you're smarter than me with all your bad poetry
Fuck all your ABCs, alphabet boy

I'm not a little kid now
Watch me get big now
Spell my name on the fridge now
With all your alphabet toys
You won the spelling bee now,
But are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground,
Little alphabet boy

Image result for dollhouse melanie martinez
Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
When you walk away, it's when we really play
You don't hear me when I say,
Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)

Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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