
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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kiimie-zeelda a 31 points de bonté.


Why no! it's but a mask, a lying ornament, 
That visage enlivened by a dainty grimace, 
And look, here is, atrociously shriveled, 
The real, true head, the sincere countenance 
Reversed and hidden by the lying face. 
Poor glamorous beauty! the magnificent stream 
Of your tears flows into my anguished heart; 
Your falsehood makes me drunk and my soul slakes its thirst 
At the flood from your eyes, which Suffering causes!

— But why is she weeping? She, the perfect beauty, 
Who could put at her feet the conquered human race, 
What secret malady gnaws at those sturdy flanks?

— She is weeping, fool, because she has lived!
And because she lives! But what she deplores
Most, what makes her shudder down to her knees,
Is that tomorrow, alas! she will still have to live!
Tomorrow, after tomorrow, always! — like us!





Dollz née en décembre 2008


Age Genre Ville Pays
26 ans Femme Magicant France
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