
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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Bonjour et bienvenue dans mon monde.

Que même moi je n'arrive pas à comprendre

Dans le fond peut-être que je suis vraiment une folle mais que je le sais pas encore.On dirais que j'ai comme un dédoublement de personnalité. Je crois tout le temps que le monde me veut du mal, mais dans le fond ces personnes là je les connais pas. À vrai dire , je sais même pas qui je suis déjà au départ. En fait , je me laisse voguer avec les courants de méchanceté que je m'imagine venant de la part de n'importe qui.

En fait , c'est comme si une part de moi ne veut pas être heureuse et il y en a une qui veut rester en vie...


'' If I wasn't here tomorrow, would anybody care?

Still stuck inside this sorrow
I got nothing and going nowhere

I know I'm a mess and I wanna be someone
Someone that I'd like better
Can you help me forget ? Don't wanna feel like this forever. ''



Adela and Tessie: F*ck you!

You think I'm a normal girl.But behind that shy little thing there's a demon waiting to cut your fucking head.


If you can endure me , just tell yourself that I gave you a chance to entertain me.



''I've say it once , I've say it twice , I've said it thousand fucking times ! That i'm okay , that I'm fine , that is all just in my mind...''

Sometimes I think the world would be better off without me.But then I think ''Oh shit ! That Bitch's still alive , I gotta kick her ass before I die''.


Some difficulties to be happy




In this world of madness and debauchery.

I try to fucking survive surronded by my inner demons.

The strongest one is a woman.

She screams in my ear every night. 

She said that I should die today.

When I finally get happy , she remembers me how worthless I am.

Every time , she makes me cry all night.

One day , I realized something.

It wasn't a demon inside my head. 

It was me.

The person who drove me to tears : me.

The person who thought I should die : me.

The person who told me it was ok to cut myself open to free the demons : me.

The one behind the trigger : me...

Thinking about being just a memory.

A red painting on the wall. 

A body emptied of demons and thoughts.

Without suffering.

Being a whipser lost upon wind.

Can you help yourself with knowing YOU are the demon ?!

I know that I can help myself.

Do you hear her whispering ?

Just keep listening , you'll hear her trough my lips.

I swear I'm not her.

Look me in the eyes.

Listen to my voice.

Take my hand and I'll show you the way.

Trough madness.

Through craziness.

I don't want to be like another crazy girl.

I just want to be normal.

Maybe I'll be okay if you let me cut the demon wide open...?













Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme NONE Canada
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Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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