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emiliemina a 8 points de bonté.

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my house is fairy tail  ♥.♥

私は桜 始めまして ♥.♥ i'm so Nice Girl ☺ i love MANGA and i can not live without ANIME Super Sakuu ♠ x3 xP

Fairy tail's a guild where you put friends in front of yourself. On Earth or on Earthland, if you love your friends and would cry if they died, save them even if it meant certain death. Fairy tail will never reject you.

Fairy tail isn't just an anime/manga, it teaches you important things in life! How to be brave. To care for your friends. To learn how to be strong. Fairy tail shows you how to learn from your mistakes. We're alive. aren't we? We don't have any magic power. but we're alive! We have the strength to overcome the weakness and the fear! That's what it means to be alive! - Erza.

I think magic is all around us. In our hearts, our souls, in nature, in our bodies. I just think no one really knows what it is or how it works. When people have strong emotions, at that moment, when you desperatly need it most, it's right there for you. It's how some miracles are created.

You don't die for your friends you live for them -Erza

this is erza

and this is lucy 

natsu the best

and my lovely gray ♥

and this all fairy tail


Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme MiTaKa ^^ Autre
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
utada hikaru Pop pirates des caraibes SuShi
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Vêrt-Grêên ....... Anime japonais .............

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