
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
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A vie
Cette semaine

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finn-le-petit-humain a 0 points de bonté.

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I might have messed up your life.. I made you waste one year and a couple months of your time... That is actully the most stupid thing I have ever done for a girl. I would like to be standind in front of you to tell you this .. So you could beat me up after or kill me ^^ Je t'ai laisser de la manière la plus immonde.. Je regrette ça aussi.. 
My life without you feels actually like some empty shit. I am lost more than ever.. 
I am seriously sorry.. if you want to know anything just ask.. I decided to tell only the truth. I'm the most stupid person you must have ever met... I know that and i'm sorry ,_, sorry for bothering you also.. (If I do bother you.. Tell me and I wont ever come back here to try to explain.. Promise)

If you are happy.. It's all that counts for me.. 


I leaved you because.. I aint a good person... I would have pass my whole life with you because I really do love you.. But you see, I am only .. I am lying about me from the beginning.. 

What do I mean? I mean that my name is not "Logan". That's what I mean...


And I thought that going away without telling anything would help.. But look at me today. I think i'm a d.u.m.b.a.s.s.

You deserve the best in life.. I am sorry I made you waste all this time... All I want now is you to be happy.. So if you are.. Well it's perfect.. I can finally go_


To: little Pwinchesh

Age Genre Ville Pays
100 ans Femme Autre
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I think Im Getting Little
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To Little Over You..

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