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Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine
t tu morte
09/05/2017 à 23:45:40

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fucked-up a 0 points de bonté.

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i wish i could cry with u

but we couldn't


because if we were together we

wouldn't be sad



Image de wallpaper, alien, and grunge     Image de couple, love, and goals

Image de couple, love, and boy     Image de background, wallpaper, and grunge



so not too long ago, i thought i was not the jealous kind at all - alright, screw that, i thought i had never felt jealousy in my whole life. and i guess it makes sense, because i didn't give a shit about anyone, so they could do whatever the fuck they wanted and i didn't mind, in fact i didn't care for one bit. even when i had boyfriends, thinking about them with other girls didn't "make my heart sink" or fucking hurt my feelings, but then again, i don't think i had any. it was always like that. and i was glad. seeing chicks break up with their boyfriends becayse they had a dream last night and in it, the nigga cheated on her, that makes my heart sink. i didn't understand what it was like. and then, casually, you came into the picture and changed it all, fucked with my brain, played with my weak-ass heart. i'd kill you if homicides weren't considered as life-sentenced crimes, just for my own sake, because i'm an egoistical girl who thought had no feelings at all. yeah bitch, you thought.



Age Genre Ville Pays
100 ans Femme Canada
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Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré

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