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kouick a 10 points de bonté.


Love story

Once upon a time, a child who came from a distant county. This child dreamed to find a treasure which was hidden on the top of a mountain, the story tells that this treasure is one of rarer jewel than the world can contain. Nobody knew the shape and the nature of this jewel, but everybody knew his incredible strength.

One day, the child decided to leave his lands and to go in search of his future. He crossed landscapes and forests and finally stopped in a meadow. He met a young girl wearing a beautiful green dress. She had a smile and awesome eyes of fire. They looked for a long time and decided to climb the big mountain.

They encounter many barriers but never surrender together. After several hours, they arrived at the top of the mountain and found the world's treasure. 

They lived happily ever after.

This treasure is love.


A.B, for my love forever, A.R.


I'm sorry for my really bad English but I think a love story like this can be written only in English.








Age Genre Ville Pays
31 ans Homme Paris France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Alix LOL Gaufres
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Bleu Chanteur/Guitariste Divertissement Bain avec Alix

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