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lullaby08 a 0 points de bonté.

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Red Balloons - 8x10 photograph  - fine art print - vintage photography - whimsical nursery art  - balloon art


I imagine you and me, hand in hand, walking, happy. Your smile appears every time you turn your head to me, my eyes shine with happiness seeing that smile. I'm the reason and that is enough to make me happy. You kiss me, gently, while the sun is reflecting its last rays on the waters of the sea I'm happy, you're happy, we're happy. I imagine...







I dream of a world where magic is constantly present, where animals speak, or nature dominate, where violence, rascisme, all the horrible things would banies where everyone would be happy and never would experience sadness 







when you arrived, I turned into a huge heart which beats only for you, a huge butterfly that you give so much lightness, a huge flower with each petal represents my love for you. You tran ed me.  

Age Genre Ville Pays
28 ans Femme Paris France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Imagine Dragons Every Night Twilight Tout!
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Toute les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel! Photographe Plus belle la vie Ecrire et Dessiner

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