To love someone you have already known (or you are supposed to know), is it a good idea ? When fate gets us together, there are some times hurts we can't forget. Some people forget more easily than others. But I know you didn't forget them, like me. Some happy persons can make us forget this, but we don't get their help. We stay jammed with this bad memory in our mind. With him, I brought forward, but not with you.
Age | Genre | Ville | Pays |
33 ans | Femme | Oklahoma City | Autre |
Célébrité préférée | Musique préférée | Film préféré | Plat préféré |
Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis et Harvey Keitel | The Decision End Credits, House Of Hope, The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan, Part Of Me Part Of You, Kick The Stones, I Can't Untie You From Me, Better Not Look Down, Wild Nights | Thelma & Louise | Saucisses, crêpes, sirop d'érable |
Couleur préférée | Le job de mes rêves | Emission préférée | Loisir préféré |
celles du Grand Canyon | serveuse ou femme au foyer | météo | être en cavale |